Reach your family

We have tools for you to reach your children, grandchildren and extended family. Of course, you can also reach neighbors as well. Our unique media tools are intended for children 8 thru 14 years of age.

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Reach the Mission field God has brought to America.

The mission field of children that God has drawn to America is a plentiful harvest field and an amazing open door. Children come to Christ easily and naturally because they see truth so clearly.

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Broadcast to the world

Today, it is easier than ever to send the gospel to people all over the world . We are part of the 4 - 14 movement. (reaching children ages 4 to 14.) Our niche in this movement, however, is more focused on 8 years and up. Actually, we believe that entire families will view our programs. Our initial focus is on the U.S., Iran and China, but we want to network with missions reaching other people groups.

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Equipping you and sending our productions as disciple-makers


Never in history has the opportunity to impact the world been greater. Media can traverse the globe or go to your neighbor next door. Children embrace media readily and well crafted stories can change lives.

You can see our two-fold strategy by these two military analogies:

The airforce: We broadcast programs globally.

The groundtroops: You  give away our productions to your sphere of influence.


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